Tuesday, February 5, 2013

News and updates for February 2013 - plus - We need FOTOZ!

Hey gang!
JJ and I are so excited to be forging ahead with a new 'band' - even though it's just the two of us... which has been the FUN part! It's so simple.
One thing we noticed setting up the blog/webpage: we are in serious need of some up-to-date photos!
We're asking our friends, family and fans to help out... and here's the good part: it's easy, FUN, and doesn't cost one red cent! That's the kind of asking for help that I like!!!
So here's what to do - 
1. Just come on down to one of our gigs and bring your camera, video cam, or 'smarty-phone'
2. Use that device to take some awesome photos
3. email those photos to us here:
(if you take video, just drop us an email at the address above and we'll figure out the logistics. Let us know the size of the file.)
Now THAT sounds easy and fun... plus, you're doing something good for mankind...

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